Our farm is named “Le Chemin des Alpagas” as a reminder of the long road (Chemin) we traveled to achieve harmony with our land.  Our alpacas and our vegetable garden work hand in hand feeding each other.

Our alpacas were purchased with quality in mind allowing us to transform only the best fleece into skeins.  Our small herd grazes happily on our farm providing us with a rich and chemical free fertilizer for the garden.  Each skein is identified with the name of the alpaca it was woven from.

After working and traveling abroad for several years I returned to France settling in the Alpes de Haute Provence Region, in the town of Selonnet.  It is the birth place of my father and our family roots can be traced back to the late 1600’s.  Around the late 1800’s our region experenced the grand depart to Mexico.  Families in search of a new life and wealth set off on a long journey. Two of my great grand uncles made the journey and established “Las Fabricas Margaillan” of Morelia, Michoacan Mexico in 1898. Elie and his brother had no children to take over the successful business they had built and asked my grandfather Robert and his brother Lucien to travel to Mexico.   Lucien Margaillan departed France in 1940.  My grandfather followed several years later, leaving Selonnet with my grandmother, my father and my aunt.  My father grew up in Morelia and returned to France at the age of 18.  Lucien married and remained in Mexico with his 4 children to continue the success of Las Fabricas Margaillan, which still exists today.  Our region is strongly influenced by this grand depart and there are annual festivities taking place each year. I lived and worked several years in Mexico and longed for the flavors you can only find in Mexican cooking.  Here in Selonnet our garden contains all the fresh ingredients necessary for a salsa inspired by Mexico with a French touch.